This is my own personal internet archive ( & of articles, presentations, interviews etc., pertinent to this evolving SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 calamity. I do **NOT** have copyright or permission to host any of these articles, but in today's censorious broken internet, it is my belief that a readily accessible backup makes some sense. Be sure to navigate using the Table of Contents, which on desktop web-browsers is to the right, below the Interactive Graph of pages ---> ### tags These are some of the tags/categories that have been manually added to some posts/pages. Clicking these here, or in other documents shows a list of documents with those tags. - #on/health/psychology/mass-formation - #on/health-systems/iatrogenesis/sars-cov2/policy - #on/health-systems/iatrogenesis/sars-cov2/vaccine/adverse-event - #on/science/microbiology/virology/sars-cov2/test/pcr - #on/health/naturopathy/nutraceutical/vitamin-D - #on/health/treatments/therapeutic/ivermectin - #on/health/naturopathy/nutraceutical/quercetin - #on/global-affairs/pharmaceutical-industry-complex/regulatory-capture --- ## Emerging mass acceptance of vaccine failure and cardiac injury etc. [[2024-06-13 Confirmation of fears (Dr. Joseph Fraiman on mRNA Vaccines) - Dr.John Campbell|2024-06-13 Confirmation of fears (Dr. Joseph Fraiman on mRNA Vaccines)]] 1. "We found the vaccine increased serious adverse events at a rate of 1 in 800." - Dr. Joseph Freeman 2. "Multiple new pieces of evidence have come to light and this has caused me to reevaluate my position." - Dr. Joseph Freeman 3. "The FDA had failed to inform the public of these findings." - Dr. Joseph Freeman 4. "Autopsy studies find essentially conclusive evidence that the vaccines are inducing sudden cardiac deaths." - Dr. Joseph Freeman [[2024-05-20 OpenSAFELY Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination in children and adolescents]] pre-print UK study - Over 820,926 previously unvaccinated adolescents were studied - Myocarditis and pericarditis were documented only in vaccinated groups. [[2024-05-07 Covert Genetically Modified Organisms - Julian Gillespie interviewed by Dr John Campbell]] mRNA COVID-19 'vaccines' could(should) be legally considered Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in several jurisdictions around the world. The Gene Technology Regulator in Australia allegedly Pfizer to bypass necessary GMO regulatory checks. [[2024-05-03 Thousands Believe Covid Vaccines Harmed Them. Is Anyone Listening]] NY Times article discussing the experiences of individuals who believe they have suffered serious side effects from Covid-19 vaccines. Despite the overwhelming success of these vaccines in preventing severe disease and death, a small number of people report persistent and debilitating health issues post-vaccination. The article highlights the challenges in recognizing and compensating these rare but significant cases amidst concerns of vaccine misinformation. [[2024-02-25 Evidence to be presented that criminal activity has been committed by the very top of Government in the UK - Andrew Bridgen by Jim Ferguson|2024-02-25 Evidence to be presented that criminal activity has been committed by the very top of Government in the UK]] British MP Andrew Bridgen has written to Mark Rowley Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police and the most senior of Police officers to have a three hour meeting where experts and whistle blowers will lay out the evidence where potential criminal activity has been conducted by the very top of Government and the civil service in the UK. Parliament has been deliberately misled over the vaccine contracts. This matter may be taken to Parliamentary standards in addition to the presentation of evidence to the Police and the Security services. [[2024-02-10 Dr. Pierre Kory Explains COVID-19 Vaccine Shedding - EpochTV]] Adverse effects related to breastfeeding post-vaccination raise concerns about spike protein transmission via breast milk. [[2024-01-29 Determinants of COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis]].. the number of myocarditis reports in VAERS after COVID-19 vaccination in 2021 was 223 times higher than the average of all vaccines combined for the past 30 years. [[2023-08-31 Natural immunity wins - Dr. John Campbell]] presents evidence from an [[2022-04-05 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Naturally Acquired Immunity versus Vaccine-induced Immunity, Reinfections versus Breakthrough Infections A Retrospective Cohort Study|April 2022, Naturally Acquired Immunity versus Vaccine-induced Immunity, Reinfections versus Breakthrough Infections A Retrospective Cohort Study]], showing natural immunity 13-27x more effective at preventing infection than 'vaccination'. [[2023-08-18 Australian Scientists Find Disturbing Patterns COVID19 Vaccines Correspond with Excess Deaths|2023-08-18 Australian Scientists Find Disturbing Patterns COVID19 Vaccines Correspond with Excess Deaths]] Australian journalist, Rebekah Barnett calls the temporal link between COVID-19 vaccination and all-cause mortality “striking.” [[2023-08-11 More young Americans are dying – and it's not COVID. Why aren't we searching for answers]] Among workers 35 to 44 years old, a stunning 34% more died than expected last quarter, with above-average rates in other age groups, too. But why? [[2022-05_group-life-covid-19-mortality-12-2022.pdf|2022-05 Group Life (insurance) COVID-19 Mortality Survey Report]] and [[2022-cause-death-report.pdf|2022 Cause of Death Report]] Late July 2023, [[Sharri Markson]] reported in The Australian Newspaper, on the [[2023-07-28 Covid cover-up how the science was silenced|Wuhan cover-up and how the science was silenced]]. Which expanded on her June 2023 article, [[2023-06-15 Covid’s ‘patient zero’ blows the lid on pandemic origin|COVID’s ‘patient zero’ blows the lid on pandemic origin]] [[2023-06-15 Robert Kennedy Jr. - The Joe Rogan Experience ep 1999|Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was interviewed by Joe Rogan]]. “Trust the experts” is not a function of science; it is the opposite of science and a function of religion. RFK is clearly risk to the Administrative State and its benefactors. The Biden regime choosing not to afford him Secrete Service protection, as is the norm for Presidential candidates polling above the mid-teens. The Australian Government has taken a leaf out of the Totalitarian Handbook, with [[2023-06-30 ‘Shocking’ Draft misinformation laws denounced over free speech threat|proposed legislation that forces social media to censor misinformation]]. Interestingly however, there are carveouts in the bill exempting the Government and legacy media from these Orwellian restrictions. This is on the back of revelations that [[2023-05-22 Canberra silenced posts on Covid|Canberra silenced posts on COVID]] in order to shore up support for their flawed 'vaccination' program. Of course the wannabe despots could not have been so successful without the paid for complicity if the legacy media. [[2023-04-03 Media to blame for Covid vaccines’ wall of infallibility]] May 2023, [[2023-05-15 WHO Warns of ‘Unusual’ Surge in Severe Myocarditis in Babies in England and Wales|The World Health Organisation (WHO) Warns of ‘Unusual’ Surge in Severe Myocarditis in Babies in England and Wales]] The imposition of face mask mandates among school children during the pandemic did not affect the incidence of COVID-19 infection, [[2023-04-28 Masks Had No Effect on COVID Cases Among Children|according to research conducted in Finland]]. March 2023, [[Dr. John Campbell]] was made aware of the **damning** recently released (under FOI) Australian [[TGA Pfizer - Nonclinical Evaluation Report 2021-01 foi-2389-06.pdf]] He has discussed with [[Prof. Robert Clancy]] what Australia's pharmaceutical drug regulator knew in January 2021, about the systemic bio-distribution of the lipid nano-particles containing the mRNA, and the litany of studies cut short or simply not sought. [[2023-03-27 Professor Clancy responds to TGA document - Dr. John Campbell]] February 2023, [[Dr. Melissa McCann]] [presented]( at the Australian [[COVID-19 Vaccine Conference 2023]], including damning evidence that [[2023-02-14 Australian Regulators Concealed Fatal Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis from the Public|Australian TGA Concealed Fatal Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis from the Public]] as reported by [[Dr. Peter McCullough]] and [[Rebekah Barnett]] [[2023-02-12 TGA covered up vaccine deaths of a 7 & 9 year old - Senator Gerard Rennick]] August 2022 letter/eMail to Australian Medical Professionals Society - [[2022-08-14 Has the Australian Medical Community Finally Come to its Senses|Has the Australian Medical Community Finally Come to its Senses]] by the Incoming President of the Australian Medical Professionals Society which includes the [[2022-08-09 Altman Report Final Version 11-8-22 (1).pdf|Altman Report Final Version 11-8-22 (1).pdf]] which was also sent to [[2022-08-09 Recipients of Dr Altman Report.pdf|Recipients of Dr Altman Report.pdf]] [[2022-12-29 Australian Senator Takes Hard Stand Against COVID Jabs]] --- ## facts (as of early 2024) Concerns raised by UK MPs and experts about their MHRA, suggesting it prioritizes commercial interests over patient safety. Conflicts of interest, the "revolving door" phenomenon, and failures in drug approval and adverse reaction reporting systems. [[2024-02-19 UK Medicines Regulator a Serious Risk to Patient Safety]]. Surely time for a comprehensive investigation into medical regulators' practices. Moderna's Covid booster caused 1 in 35 people to have heart injuries detectable with blood tests [[2023-07-28 mRNA Covid jabs have caused silent heart damage to tens of millions of people, a shocking new study suggests]] Lancet review of 325 autopsies after Covid vaccination found that 74% of the deaths were caused by the vaccine – but the study was removed within 24 hours. [[2023-07-06 Lancet Study on Covid Vaccine Autopsies Finds 74% Were Caused by Vaccine – Study is Removed Within 24 Hours – The Daily Sceptic|2023-07-06 Lancet Study on Covid Vaccine Autopsies Finds 74% Were Caused by Vaccine]] [[2023-06-01 Data doesn’t match the Health Department’s statements & claims - (Australian Federal) Senate Estimates]] "The only valid explanation for this is that people who died within three weeks of being vaccinated were counted as unvaccinated -- [[Senator Gerard Rennick]] [[2023-02-16 Australia's drug regulator hid vaccine deaths from the public, concerned that 'disclosure could undermine public confidence']] The Australian authorities along with the left leaning corporate press want to silence the voices of preeminent medical researchers [[2023-01-12 Dr Peter McCullough – the next Djokovic - The Spectator Australia]] [[2023-02-11 Six of 10 Vaccines Studied Increase Mortality]] The pooled results of RCTs **did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection** with the use of medical/surgical masks.  There were no clear differences between the use of medical/surgical masks compared with N95/P2 respirators in healthcare workers when used in routine care to reduce respiratory viral infection. [[2023-01-30 Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses - Jefferson, T - 2023 Cochrane Library|2023-01-30 Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses]] [[2023-01-08 Dr. David Brownstein - How Nebulized Peroxide Helps Against Respiratory Infections]] [[2023-01-08 Capsule Summaries of all Twitter Files Threads to Date, With Links and a Glossary]] [[2023-01-05 Did National Security Imperatives Compromise COVID-19 Vaccine Safety ⋆ Brownstone Institute]] [[2023-01-05 CDC Finally Released Its VAERS Safety Monitoring Analyses for COVID Vaccines via FOIA]] [[2023-01-04 Shingles Activation Associated With COVID Jab]] [[2023-01-02 Australian TGA COVID FOI Released]] [[2022-12-31 The Most Important Dataset of the Pandemic Was Just Released]] [[2022-12-14 Australian Cardiologist Calls to Halt mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines, Citing Heart Damage]] Australia's mortality statistics for 2022 are worse than the ABS is admitting to, so why are they tweaking the data - and where is the investigation? [[2022-12-07 The Australian Bureau of (Lies, Damned Lies and) Statistics]] ..half of all mRNA molecules in the commercial batches were allowed to be truncated (not intact). The potential implications of the RNA integrity loss in terms of safety and efficacy were unknown. [[2022-10-06 A Further Investigation into the Leaked EMA Emails Confidential PfizerBioNTech COVID19 Vaccine Related Docs]] [[2022-09-14 Denmark bans COVID jab for most people under 50 - The Counter Signal]] [[2022-08-29 Study Natural Immunity Offers More Protection Than Three mRNA...]] [[2022-08-28 Exhaustive study of German mortality data finds excess deaths tightly correlated with mass vaccination]] [[2022-08-21 Massive Miscarriage Rates Among Vaccinated Pregnant Women Found Buried In The Pfizer Documents]] [[2022-08-16 Pfizer, FDA, CDC Hid Proven Harms to Male Sperm Quality, Testes Function, from mRNA Vaccine Ingredients - DailyClout]] [[2022-08-14 Subclinical Myocarditis - The Silent Killer - There Is No Heart Damage That’s Mild or Inconsequential]] [[2022-08-14 CDC (quietly) removes a massive claim on vaccine safety]] [[2022-08-13 New CDC COVID-19 Guidance Is Agency 'Admitting It Was Wrong' Stanford Epidemiologist]] [[2022-07-25 FDA Fraud, CDC Disinformation, and Social Media Censorship]] Clearly, given, as discovered by freedom of information request, and made public by [[Senator Gerard Rennick]] ([[2023-03-25 Senator Rennick full interview - Dr. John Campbell]]), the Australia's TGA failed to inform the public about the systemic bio-distribution of the lipid nano-particles containing the mRNA, informed consent could not have been given by the public. [[2022-07-28 Vaccine Mandates Violated Medical Ethics, the Provision of Informed Consent, and the Nuremberg Code]] Evidence indicates that "original antigenic sin" is a real problem with COVID-19 vaccines, which could help to explain observations of negative vaccine effectiveness in children. [[2022-06-10 Negative COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness in Children]] "The safety signals presented by the data in this letter are of such grave concern that the normal decision would be to immediately halt the use of gene-based vaccines to the Australian public." [2022-03-08 Letter-to-ATAGI-TGA-FedHealth]( [[2022-02-04 NSW covid-19-surveillance-report-20220201.pdf|COVID-19 Weekly Surveillance in NSW - Epidemiological Week 02]] The latest statistics out of NSW, show that for the period 26th November to 15th January; - 560,018 PCR ‘cases'. - How many unvaccinated?.. 55,697 I note there were 109,415 cases wherein vaccination was 'under investigation'. Even if one were to assume all of those were 'unvaccinated', that still leaves 66 percent of the cases were double vaccinated! [[2021-12-16 More Harm Than Good - The Pfizer Inoculations For Covid-19 Canadian Covid Care Alliance|More Harm Than Good - The Pfizer Inoculations For Covid-19]] **[[2021-12-30 Germany 96% of Latest Omicron Patients were FULLY Vaccinated - Only 4% Unvaccinated|Germany 96% of Latest Omicron Patients were FULLY Vaccinated - Only 4% Unvaccinated]]** [[2021-12-20 More than 150 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms ⋆ Brownstone Institute]] [[2021-12-06 Supporting Evidence#Early COVID Treatment Works|Early COVID Treatment Works – Global COVID Summit]] [[2021-12-06 Supporting Evidence#Vaccinating Children Means Unnecessary Risks|Vaccinating Children Means Unnecessary Risks – Global COVID Summit]] [[2021-12-06 Supporting Evidence#COVID-Recovered Immunity is Durable|COVID-Recovered Immunity is Durable – Global COVID Summit]] **[[2021-09-30 Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States|Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States]]** [[2021-09-10 Just the facts Coronavirus in Australia by the numbers|Just the facts - Coronavirus in Australia by the numbers]] [[2021-09-22 30 facts you NEED to know Your COVID-19 Cribsheet|Facts you NEED to know Your COVID-19 Cribsheet]] [[2020-09-15 Science of Masks]] --- ## Do the Japanese and Indian cultures, inculcate their medical bureaucrats differently? [[2021-12-26 How an experienced medical professional deals with evidence that goes against his belief system]] [[2021-12-25 Regulatory Capture is Killing Us, and We Are Two Steps Away from the Totalitarian Fascist Regulatory States of America]] [[2021-11-08 Japan crushes Big Pharma with a small yet effective move]] [[2021-12-10 Japan Places Myocarditis Warning on 'Vaccines' - Requires Informed Consent]] [[2021-11-02 Japan Ends Vaccine-induced Pandemic by Legalizing Ivermectin, while Pharma-controlled Media Pretends Masks and Vaccines Were the Savior - Global Research]] [[2021-12-21 The mechanisms of action of ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2—an extensive review]] --- ## [[how did we get here]]? DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT --- ## declarations of emergency In Australia, an out of touch and dysfunctional elite (political, media, bureaucratic, academic, corporate), fearful of its own shadow has taken a stance to avoid public humiliation, to contain and eradicate a highly infectious pathogen that has already become endemic throughout most of the world. Not withstanding it was probable that death statistics we completely abused. [[2022-03-19 Covid death figures 'may have been completely wrong due to poor statistics']] Through dubious emergency declarations, human rights we have come to take for granted have been cast aside. Politicians seem to have completely failed (or [[2021-08-25 The Bizarre Refusal to Apply Cost-Benefit Analysis to COVID Debates|refused]]) to consider the social and financial costs associated with their edicts, and have falsely stated the only way out of this pandemic is through widespread vaccination. All the while remaining virtually silent on the real killers, which are the co-morbidities that actually take the vast majorities of critically ill COVID patients. Also, they remain silent on the cheap and proven efficacious therapeutics and nutritional supplements that could have provided a rapid way out of this endemic. [[2021-12-03 Mattias Desmet on Our Grave Situation|2021-12-03 Interview w/ Mattias Desmet - “Mass Formation” (aka Mass Psychosis)]] The emergency was declared, but rarely defined. Was this part of a plan? [[2021-03-10 Paul Schreyer- Pandemic simulation games – Preparation for a new era]] --- ## Testing Now it is considered normal that Governments can quarantine healthy people whom may have been exposed to SARS-CoV2, tests are required to prove they're safe to reenter society. Population level testing, with a flawed **PCR test**, was always going to create false positives, and fear, due to high numbers of 'cases'. These 'cases' of SARS-Cov2, not COVID-19, are for such small concentrations of viral particles that most 'infected' could not in fact spread the pathogen. #on/science/microbiology/virology/sars-cov2/test/pcr [[2022-04-08 Biggest Lie in World History There Never Was A Pandemic. The Data Base is Flawed. The Covid Mandates including the Vaccine are Invalid - Global Research|2022-04-08 Biggest Lie in World History - The Data Base is Flawed. The Central Role of the Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction Test (RT-PCR)]] [[2022-03-13 Did flawed tests convince us Covid was worse than it really was]] [[2021-07-13 The WHO Declares all PCR Tests at High CT to be Potentially 100% False Positives]] [[2021-05-03 CDC maximum 28 CT for post-vaccine COVID PCR tests]] [[2021-03-24 The many scandals of the PCR test Part 1 - The Conservative Woman]] [[2021-01-12 A Closer Look at the PCR Test (Part 1)]] [[2020-08-29 Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be - New York Times|2020-08-29 New York Times - Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be]] **Serology (antibody) tests** can show recent immunological response to SARS-Cov2, proving a person has no need for a leaky vaccine. #on/science/microbiology/virology/sars-cov2/test/antibody [[2021-12-24 Rapid tests do not always detect Omicron — here's how to know for sure if you've got COVID-19 or not]] [[2021-11-07 Potential for False Positive Results with SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Tests]] **T-Cell tests** can apparently show longer term immunity and is not intended for the diagnosis of active infection but is a complement to antibody tests. [[2021-05-21 COVID-19 testing turns to T cells]] > A diagnostic test based on sequencing long-lived SARS-CoV-2–specific memory T cells provides a complement to antibody testing for determining previous exposure to SARS-CoV-2. #on/science/microbiology/virology/sars-cov2/test/t-cell --- ## Asymptomatic transmission is rare #on/health/disease/covid-19/asymptomatic **“A meta analysis of 54 studies and concluded that asymptomatic transmission even within the household was less than 1%.”** As COVID was starting to spread around the world, experts agreed that asymptomatic spread was rare and does not have much of an impact. Anthony Fauci, former head of the NIH stated in Jan 2020 “Even if there is some asymptomatic transmission, in all the history of respiratory-borne viruses of any type, asymptomatic transmission has never been the driver of outbreaks. The driver of outbreaks is always a symptomatic person.” <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> [Anthony Fauci, Jan 2020]( Several studies were conducted to see if COVID was transmitted by asymptomatic carriers. One study from China looked at over 9 million people, and found 300 cases of asymptomatic people who tested positive for COVID, and none of the samples had a “viable virus” that would replicate and transmit. They followed the close contacts of those asymptomatic cases and found that none of them infected anyone who they were in close contact. [[2020-12-07 Study Finds Asymptomatic Spread Not a Significant Source of the CCP Virus Pandemic]] A study published in JAMA did a meta analysis of 54 studies and concluded that asymptomatic transmission even within the household was less than 1%. [[2020-12-14 Household Transmission of SARS-CoV-2]] The issue of asymptomatic transmission is one of the key assumptions that is used to justify COVID regulations. The idea that anyone, even someone who is not sick, can infect others is what furthered the panic, social distancing, mass testing etc. After all, if only sick people transmitted the virus, then healthy people would be of no threat. --- ## vaccines, are they effective? Given the populace is now sufficiently frightened of this pathogen, and that we've neglected to inform them how to support their immunological system to defeat this novel respiratory virus, we can point to a salvation. Presuming we have a functioning liberal democracy on the other side of this madness, it will be shown how bureaucrats and lazy politicians relied upon woeful clinical research, before undertaking a mass vaccination, in the midst of a pandemic (previously consider insane), providing an evolutionary leg up to the pathogen. More disturbingly, is the complete lack of long term data for these elite to not only suggest and encourage widespread experimental vaccination, but to also insist upon in to our medical professionals, first responders, and defense personnel. The later being an unnecessary risk to our defense capability, given the typical excellent health of our defense personnel. Nevertheless, now the powers-at-be have declared.. are the mandated biological products in-fact effective at curtailing SARS-Cov2 and COVID-19? [[2022-01-17 Florida Highest Rates of Infection Occurring in Counties with Highest Vaccination Rates - UncoverDC]] [[2022-01-11 After once claiming his shots are 100 effective, Pfizer CEO now says 2 COVID shots offers very limited protection, if any, against COVID-19.]] [[2022-01-09 Massive 145-Country Study Shows Sharp INCREASE of Transmission and DEATH After Introduction of COVID Vaccines]] [[2022-01-06 Young, double-vaccinated Canberra man dies of COVID-19 in Sydney]] [[2022-01-04 Omicron Spreads Faster Than Delta Within Vaccinated Individuals Danish Study]] [[2021-12-30 CDC Recommends Against Cruise Travel as COVID-19 Cases Increase]] amoungst fully vaccinated passengers and crew. > Thirdly, the vaccines are [completely ineffective]( Despite a reported 95% efficacy for Pfizer and 67% for AstraZeneca, the actual efficacy when measuring absolute risk reduction is 0.84% for Pfizer and 1.3% for AstraZeneca. A reduction in severe illness, hospitalisation and death was never measured in the initial clinical trials.** > Fully vaccinated individuals with breakthrough infections have peak viral load similar to unvaccinated cases and can efficiently transmit infection in household settings, including to fully vaccinated contacts. [[2021-10-29 Community transmission and viral load kinetics of the SARS-CoV-2 delta (B.1.617.2) variant in vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals in the UK a prospective, longitudinal, cohort study]] Even Pfizer’s own clinical trial data shows that the vaccine is ineffective. > The [Six Month Safety and Efficacy Data]( from Pfizer shows that the vaccine reduced severe illness by 0.13%, a reduction in hospitalisation was never measured, and death was reduced by 0.002%, which is not statistically significant. [[Alex Berenson]] reports [[2021-12-30 Vaccines don’t stop Covid hospitalizations or deaths|Vaccines don’t stop Covid hospitalizations or deaths]]. In-fact, his earlier report shows [[2021-11-21 Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age|Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age]], based on weekly data from the British government [![](,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/](,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/ [[2021-09-25 Rebuttal and News - Vaccine Choice Australia]] > paper by [Dr Nina Pierpont]( shows that there is “excellent scientific research papers published or posted in August 2021 (which) clearly demonstrate that current vaccines do not prevent transmission of SARS-CoV-2.”** [[2021-09-25 Rebuttal and News - Vaccine Choice Australia]] It is worth noting the December 2020 peer reviewed The New England Journal of Medicine paper, that enabled the Pfizer vaccination program [[2021-09-23 Safety and Efficacy of NVX-CoV2373 Covid-19 Vaccine - NEJM]], is now being shown to have poor practices applied. The British Medical Journal published a whistleblower report [[2021-11-02 Covid-19 Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial]] into the trial. > Revelations of poor practices at a contract research company helping to carry out Pfizer’s pivotal covid-19 vaccine trial raise questions about data integrity and regulatory oversight. Dr. John Campbell discusses on his YouTube channel [[2021-11-07 Vaccine trial whistleblower - Dr. John Campbell]]. By the way, [[2021-09-17 Why Does No One Ever Talk About Sweden Anymore|Why Does No One Ever Talk About Sweden Anymore]]? --- ## vaccines, alternatives to Natural immunity is clearly superior, however, if one has a co-morbidity or is an older individual, one needs to survive the initial infection. Low levels of Vitamin-D, hyper-tension and obesity seem to be the most significant risk factors for younger people. All of these are indicative of having a poor immune system. My advice, and I'm clearly not a doctor, is get well **before** you get sick. #on/health/treatments/therapeutic | #on/health/naturopathy/nutraceutical/zinc | #on/health/naturopathy/nutraceutical/vitamin-D | #on/health/naturopathy/nutraceutical/vitamin-B3-niacin-nicotinamide [[2023-02-18 Dr Peter McCullough Povidone Iodine, Oral and Nasal Hygiene (2023)|2023-02-18 Povidone Iodine, Oral and Nasal Hygiene - Dr Peter McCullough (2023)]] [[2021-12-28 Vitamin D for Covid - What’s the Catch? - DarkHorse Podcast Gruff Davies and Linda Benskin|2021-12-28 Vitamin D for Covid - What’s the Catch?]] [[2021-12-28 Over 200 Scientists and Doctors Call For Vitamin D To Combat COVID19]] [[2021-11-18 Vitamin D and government inaction]] [[2021-10-11 Can Zinc Help With Your Immune Health]] [[2021-09-09 Vitamin D Emerges as Possible Treatment for COVID-19]] [[2020-08-15 Be well - A potential role for vitamin B in COVID-19]] Meanwhile, if you're at risk, until a safe and efficacious vaccine becomes available, consider a daily prophylaxis regime of vitamins, such as; - Elemental Zinc 25mg (which is an antiviral) - Vitamin D3 5000iu (to unlock and enhance your bodies innate immune response) - Vitamin C 1000mg - Quercetin 500mg (which is a zinc ionophore, to deliver zinc into the cell) (via Medical treatment protocols are readily available for COVID-19. See For some reason, our compromised Western health bureaucracies refuse to acknowledge the massive body of work that has been undertaken by highly professional medical practitioners around the world. - [[2021-10-21 Indonesia cut Covid by 98% with Ivermectin while Australia grew cases 500% with Lock-n-Vax]] Furthermore, a study commissioned by the World Health Organisation was torpedoed, and its conclusion watered down by outside influences, with it's lead author acknowledging Ivermectin could be used to save lives. - [[2022-03-06 Deadly Cover-Up Who Buried the Research Proving Ivermectin Saves Covid Patients' Lives - RAIR]] The most populous state in India, almost as populous as the entire USA, brought the virus under control without widespread vaccine use. - [[2022-01-21 My Testimony For The Upcoming Senate Hearing on Monday, January 24, 2022|Dr. Pierre Kory's testimony to the US Senate]] - [[2021-09-19 MSN Showcases the Amazing Uttar Pradesh Turnaround—The Ivermectin-based Home Medicine Kits]] - [[2021-05-21 Uttar Pradesh government says early use of Ivermectin helped to keep positivity, deaths low]] - [[2021-05-07 UTTAR PRADESH Going the last mile to stop COVID-19]] - [[2021-05-12 COVID-19 Ivermectin tablets to be distributed among Uttarakhand residents, says state govt]] - [[2021-02-21 Role of ivermectin in the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection among healthcare workers in India A matched case-control study]] - [[2021-05-11 Coronavirus - All adults in Goa to be given Ivermectin drug]] - [[2021-05-21 Home isolation and ivermectin-based treatment kits - Medical Update Online]] - Dr John Campbell's September 2021 presentation on [[2021-09-22 Home ivermectin based kits in India|Home ivermectin based kits in India]] Specific medications that are efficacious against SARS-CoV2, are being prohibited, wherever big pharma has compromised the national regulators. #on/health/treatments/therapeutic/ivermectin and #on/health/treatments/therapeutic/hydroxychloroquine being the most suppressed. Obvious to anyone with an inquisitive mind, these actions was because the Emergency Use Authorisation for the vaccines would be void otherwise, should alternative safe treatments exist. #on/health/treatments/therapeutic/ivermectin Any review of the excellent meta-analysis website, that does not see either the; criminal complicity, or abject stupidity of Western health bureaucracies and their masters, is naive fool. ![[c19hzq-mvai-2021-01.png]] The following is a non-exhaustive list, just for ivermectin: - [[2022-06-06 Doctors Suing Food and Drug Administration Over Ivermectin]] - [[2022-05-03 Here's how you can detox from the spike protein]] - [[2022-03-05 Misconceptions about ivermectin dosing]] - [[2022-03-04 A Letter to Andrew Hill - Dr Tess Lawrie (regarding his report to the World Health Organisation) - Oracle Films]] - [[2022-02-22 Media Falsely Claim New Study Shows Ivermectin Doesn’t Work]] - [[2021-12-31 An Open Letter to the FDA on Ivermectin and COVID-19 Treatments]] - [[2021-12-21 The mechanisms of action of ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2—an extensive review]] - [[2021-12-21 Ivermectin prophylaxis used for COVID-19 reduces COVID-19 infection and mortality rates A 220,517-subject, populational-level retrospective citywide.]] - [[2021-11-26 A Conflict of Blurred Visions]] - [[2021-11-24 Miracle in Japan]] - [[2021-10-21 Indonesia cut Covid by 98% with Ivermectin while Australia grew cases 500% with Lock-n-Vax]] - [[2021-10-10 Debunking the BBC debunk of ivermectin - Dr. John Campbell]] - [[2021-09-20 Federal health authorities scorn ivermectin for COVID, despite findings of benefits, safety]] - [[2021-09-19 MSN Showcases the Amazing Uttar Pradesh Turnaround—The Ivermectin-based Home Medicine Kits]] - [[2021-09-13 What Does the Science Truly Say About Ivermectin]] - [[2021-09-09 Ivermectin Toxicity Reviewed]] - [[2021-09-01 Ivermectin Horse Hockey Versus Truth]] - [[2021-08-17 Ivermectin, COVID-19, and making sense of scientific evidence]] - [[2021-08-16 WSJ Asks FDA ‘What’s Wrong With Ivermectin’]] - [[2021-08-09 India's Ivermectin Blackout]] - [[2021-08-03 Ivermectin a multifaceted drug of Nobel prize-honoured distinction with indicated efficacy against a new global scourge, COVID-19]] - [[2021-08-17 Ivermectin, COVID-19, and making sense of scientific evidence]] - [[2021-07-04 'It's crystal clear' Professor Robert Clancy backs ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment]] - [[2021-06-30 JRE 1671 Joe Rogan Experience w- Bret Weinstein & Dr. Pierre Kory]] - [[2021-06-26 Ivermectin Can a Drug Be Right-Wing]] - [[2021-06-19 Why Has Ivermectin Become a Dirty Word]] - [[2021-06-02 COVID, Ivermectin, and the Crime of the Century - DarkHorse Podcast with Pierre Kory & Bret Weinstein]] - [[2021-05-13 Coronavirus - Ivermectin used despite WHO advice]] There are of course attempts to debunk ivermectin and discredit those who have saved thousands of lives, proscribing it to combat the viral replication (not infection) stage of the COVID-19 disease. [[Dr. John Campbell]] debunked some, in his October presentation [[2021-10-10 Debunking the BBC debunk of ivermectin - Dr. John Campbell|Debunking the BBC debunk of ivermectin]], such as; - [[2021-10-07 5 COVID data detectives tackle ivermectin fraudsters]] - [[2021-10-06 Ivermectin How false science created a Covid 'miracle' drug]] Remember hydroxychloroquine #on/health/treatments/therapeutic/hydroxychloroquine See the meta-analysis site, and/or [America's Frontline Doctors' - Science of HCQ]( ![[c19hzq-mvah-2021-01.png]] --- ## vaccines, are they safe Like everything, it probably depends. Personally I'd like to see the 5 and 10 year data, especially for these new mRNA types of 'vaccines'. > **Note**: Technically they're called biological products, not vaccines, as they do not impart immunity. For more information in the changing definition of 'vaccine', see [[2021-09-25 The Government Just Changed the Definition of Vaccines|The Government Just Changed the Definition of Vaccines]]. > **Note**: Now the CDC are also following Isreal's lead, by changing [[2021-11-09 Why Is the CDC Changing Its Definition of 'Fully Vaccinated'|Its Definition of 'Fully Vaccinated']] Attenuated (or live attenuated) vaccines are the best, as they trigger the immune system to generate appropriate and complete antigens (because they are actual viral infections). Their virulence however is reduced. *Attenuation takes an infectious agent and alters it so that it becomes harmless or less virulent* I highly recommend [[Prof. Robert Clancy]]'s article in Quadrant [[2021-06-27 Where Are We Going – Quadrant Online#How safe are the vaccines|2021-06-27 Where Are We Going]] article. > The Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccines used novel technology. The “vaccine” was genetic material, encoding information that instructed cells taking up the mRNA molecules (Pfizer, Moderna) or DNA vector (AZ), to make the “spike protein” antigen, the virus anchor that binds to the ACE-2 receptor to allow viral cell entry. > Both the mRNA and DNA vector delivery systems had a shaky past—no previous vaccine using these technologies had survived limited clinical study. No evidence has shown these “clever” vaccines to be better than traditional “antigen” vaccines, where a minute amount of antigen stimulates immunity in local lymph nodes. [[Prof. Robert Clancy]] Studies have now confirmed that “original antigenic sin”, or a detrimental fixation on a suboptimal immune response, is a real problem for people who’ve gotten COVID-19 vaccines. [[2022-06-22 Original Antigenic Sin Is a Problem with COVID-19 Vaccines]] > The major cluster of deaths [reported in VAERS] is in the first days after vaccination, due to a systemic inflammatory response, mainly in older subjects **who appear to have had COVID-19 infection prior to vaccination. The cause of death is likely antibody and sensitised T cells, generated from previous infection or vaccination, reacting with high levels of the spike protein, encoded by the mRNA or the DNA vector vaccine**, being expressed on cell surfaces, and circulating in blood, following injection of a genetic vaccine. This is consistent with severe adverse events reported more frequently with the second vaccine injection. Recent studies show spike protein persists in blood for at least two weeks after vaccination, with its production by cells throughout the body ensuring a systemic distribution of antigen. **A possible second mechanism may be a direct toxic effect on small blood vessels, of the spike protein circulating in blood.** This has been documented in laboratory studies and would account for the leakage of fluid from damaged capillaries seen in some of those with severe adverse events, following vaccination and also in COVID-19 disease. ![Pfizer's data on bodily bio-distribution of charged lipid nano-particles (LNPs) post-vaccine.]( Of the [[mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccines|mRNA type vaccines]], I understand these are some of the differences; **Pfizer / BioNtech** - mRNA type vaccine - unknown amount of toxic antigen that is ultimately expressed in vivo - leaky, non-sterilising (does NOT prevent transmission) - control/placebo group contaminated - [[2021-12-16 More Harm Than Good - The Pfizer Inoculations For Covid-19 Canadian Covid Care Alliance]] **Moderna** - mRNA type vaccine - unknown amount of toxic antigen that is ultimately expressed in vivo - leaky, non-sterilising (does NOT prevent transmission) - control/placebo group contaminated > Was it really a coincidental mix of "foresight" and "serendipity" that led Moderna and the NIH to plan to develop a COVID-19 vaccine days before the viral sequence was even published and months before a vaccine was even considered necessary for a still unknown disease? [[2021-11-12 Has Moderna Truly Created a 'Miracle']] **Johnson & Johnson** - Adenoviral Vector DNA type vaccine - unknown amount of toxic antigen that is ultimately expressed in vivo - leaky, non-sterilising (does NOT prevent transmission) **AstraZeneca** - Adenoviral Vector DNA type vaccine - unknown amount of toxic antigen that is ultimately expressed in vivo - leaky, non-sterilising (does NOT prevent transmission) **Novavax / Nuvaxovid** - recombinant cloned full-length spike protein nanoparticle type vaccine - controlled amount of toxic antigen injected - leaky, non-sterilising (does NOT prevent transmission) - Phase III trial's placebo group contaminated at two months. > The point of difference for NovaVax is that there is no uncontrolled systemic synthesis and distribution of spike protein, avoiding life-threatening “systemic inflammatory disease”. [[Prof. Robert Clancy]] > This doesn’t happen with Novavax because you are injected with the antigen. [[Steve Kirsch]] - [[Dr. Richard Fleming]] doesn’t think the Novavax vaccine is safe. > “it’s viral like particles (spikes) adhered to plastic inner core, mixed with proprietary saponin adjuvant called Matrix M1.” - [[2021-09-23 Safety and Efficacy of NVX-CoV2373 Covid-19 Vaccine - NEJM|Safety and Efficacy of NVX-CoV2373 Covid-19 Vaccine - NEJM]] - [[2021-12-01 WHO approves Novavax and COVAXIN]] - [[2021-04-14 What is Novavax, Australia’s third COVID vaccine option|What is Novavax, Australia’s third COVID vaccine option?]] **COVAX-19 (or SpikoGen)** - recombinant protein subunit type vaccine - controlled amount of antigen injected - the Australian Vaxine P/L demonstrated strong protection against the Delta virus variant in a Phase 3 clinical trial in 16,876 subjects in the Middle East, and has just reached 2 million doses deployed in Iran. - [[2021-10-20 Prof Nikolai Petrovsky - Vaccine Adverse Events, Mandates and Secrecy in Australia]] Dr. Jessica Rose, Ph.D., a research fellow at the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge in Israel, latest deep-dive into the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) [[2021-12-19 What the VAERS Data Tell Us About COVID Jab Safety]] Dr. John Campbell [[2021-11-26 Abstract 10712|reviews]] an abstract that assert: mRNA COVID vaccines dramatically increase endothelial inflammatory markers and Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) Risk", that indicate an increase in 5 year ACS risk from 11% to 25%. > We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination. So, how do we know these biological products are safe. Obviously we cannot review any long term data. So we have to turn to the clinical trial data, and vaccine pharmacovigilance reporting systems such as the US Govt's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the British Government's Yellow Card reporting system, and the European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports, EudraVigilance. [[Dr. Jessica Rose]]'s September 2021 presentation of [[2021-09-07 VAERS UPDATE for CCCA (Canadian COVID Care Alliance)|VAERS UPDATE for CCCA (Canadian COVID Care Alliance)]], includes; > This work summarizes VAERS data to date and serves as information for the public and a reminder of the relevance of any adverse events, including deaths, that likely occurred as a direct result of vaccine administration. > > Based on analysis of the VAERS numbers, it may appear that AEs are not currently imposing a significant burden on the fully vaccinated population; however, the weekly releases of VAERS data do not include all of their reports made to date — they are all the reports the CDC has processed to date — and the backlog is likely to be staggering. > > Thus, due to both the problems of under-reporting and the lag in report processing, this analysis reveals a strong signal from the VAERS data that the risk of suffering an SAE following injection is significant and that the overall risk signal is high. > > Analysis suggests that the vaccines are likely the cause of reported deaths, spontaneous abortions, and anaphylactic reactions in addition to cardiovascular, neurological and immunological AEs. > > Based on the precautionary principle, since there is currently no precedent for predictability with regards to long-term effects from mRNA injections, extreme care should be taken when making a decision to participate in this experiment. mRNA platforms are new to humans with regard to mass injection programs in the context of viruses. > > There is currently no way to predict potential detrimental outcomes with regards to SAE occurrences in the long-term. > > Also, with regards to short-term analysis, this data is limited based on reporting that likely significantly underestimates actual events. I highly recommend [[Dr. Jessica Rose]]'s (pre-print) [A Report on Myocarditis Adverse Events in the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) in Association with COVID-19 Injectable Biological Products]( As noted above [[#vaccines are they effective]], The British Medical Journal has published a whistleblower report [[2021-11-02 Covid-19 Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial|Covid-19 Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial - BMJ]] into a critical peer-reviewed paper relied upon by Phizer [[2021-09-23 Safety and Efficacy of NVX-CoV2373 Covid-19 Vaccine - NEJM|Safety and Efficacy of NVX-CoV2373 Covid-19 Vaccine - NEJM]] The British Medical Journal also has recently [[2022-02-03 BMJ Demands Immediate Vaccine Data|Demanded Immediate Vaccine Data from Pfizer and the FDA]] Also, [[2021-11-15 EudraVigilance 29,934 Deaths 2,804,900 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database of Adverse Reactions – Corporate Journalists Have Pericarditis After Pfizer Shots - Vaccine Impact|2021-11-15 EudraVigilance 29,934 Deaths 2,804,900 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database of Adverse Reactions]] Steve Hirsch reports multiple (10+) methods of accounting for greater than 150,000 deaths from these COVID-19 vaccines. [[2021-12-25 Yet another independent study confirms over 150K Americans killed by the COVID vaccines]] The Wall Street Journal published a long article in July on the COVID vaccine blood clot issue [[2021-07-07 Covid-19 Vaccine-Related Blood Clots Linked to Amino Acids in New Study]] via [[2021-08-16 From shots to clots considerable medical evidence of COVID vaccine-induced blood clots]] [[2022-01-20 Getting to the bottom of potential toxicity variability between Vax Lots]]-passport [[2022-01-16 The Truth About Vaccine-induced Myocarditis]] [[2022-01-09 Massive 145-Country Study Shows Sharp INCREASE of Transmission and DEATH After Introduction of COVID Vaccines]] For updated articles and other misinformation, see pages tagged #on/health-systems/iatrogenesis/sars-cov2/vaccine/adverse-event, including.. [[2022-04-18 mRNA Vaccines Produce Persisting Spike Protein, Likely Causing Clots, Heart Inflammations, Cancers Dr. Ryan Cole]] [[2022-04-18 New-onset autoimmune phenomena post-COVID-19 vaccination - Dr. Simon on GETTR]] --- ## Masks and obedience [Are Face Masks Effective? The Evidence. – Swiss Policy Research]( The biomedical regime that emerged in the wake of the Covid pandemic rested on a simple moral imperative: “protect the vulnerable.” Doing so required us to stay inside, wear the mask, and get vaccinated, regardless of the price in bodily integrity and autonomy. [[2022-07-15 Totalitarianism as 'Care']] A New York Times article claims without evidence that “Lockdowns Protected Older People”. The data show the opposite. [[2022-06-15 No, Lockdowns Didn’t Protect Older People from COVID-19!]] --- ## lectures, presentations, statements & interviews non-exhaustive list of #source/interview #source/presentation #source/statement [[2022-08-09 Altman Report Final Version 11-8-22 (1).pdf|2022-08-09 Altman Report, Phillip M. Altman]] and [[2022-08-09 Recipients of Dr Altman Report.pdf|Recipients of Dr Altman Report]] [[2022-06-10 John O'Looney - Hearts of Oak|2022-06-10 John O'Looney - UK Funeral Director]] [[2022-06-06 Dr. Michael Yeadon- ‘Massive Fraud on a Global Scale, Reckless to Jab the Whole Population']] [[2022-04-22 COVID UPDATE What is the truth|2022-04-22 COVID UPDATE What is the truth - Russell L. Blaylock, Retired Neurosurgeon]] [[2022-04-23 Dr. Jay Bhattacharya on Our COVID Response]] [[2022-01-24 Immunology with Professor Robert Clancy]] [[2022-01-08 Dr. Mike Yeadon - The Fog is Lifting]] [[2022-01-04 Dr. Mattias Desmet, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough (Mass Formation Psychosis)]] [[2021-12-31 Dr Robert Malone - Joe Rogan Experience]] [[2021-12-12 Dr Peter McCullough - Joe Rogan Experience]] [[2021-10-20 Prof Nikolai Petrovsky - Vaccine Adverse Events, Mandates and Secrecy in Australia]] [[source/article/2021-10-08 Matt Taibbi MIRACLE COVID Drug Cut Death By 50%, Release STALLED 6 MONTHS To Avoid Culture War]] [[2021-10-08 More Than 200,000 Have Already Died From the COVID Jab in the US]] [[2021-09-29 Dr. Peter McCullough MD, Covid Early Treatment and Prevention]] Especially [[Dr. Jessica Rose]]'s VAERS analysis [[2021-09-07 VAERS UPDATE for CCCA (Canadian COVID Care Alliance)]] --- ## corporate & state media, complicit or incompetent The 'mainstream media'. I will no longer call them same, given their declining viewership and failure to represent the actual mainstream, instead only echoing the views of the inner city chattering class. [[2020-09-23 As Joe Rogan’s Platform Grows, So Does the Media and Liberal Backlash. Why]] To me, in the legacy media, many should really be called Corporate and/or State media, with influential power additionally coming through the permanent administrative state. Australia's national broadcaster, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), doesn't so much dislike the Australian conservative party, The Liberal Party of Australia, as find the Australian Labor Party and The Greens, just that much more malleable towards the authoritarian agendas the chattering class aspires to. > Checkout a serialised documentary podcast from the Institute of Public Affairs > **_Their ABC_: What’s wrong with the ABC and how to fix it** > Written and presented by IPA Director of Communications, Evan Mulholland. With respect SARS-CoV2/COVID-19, the Corporate & State media's mission, is a vaccine policy based on millions of questionable PCR tests, followed by a digital vaccine passport that by all appearances is the endgame. [[2021-12-30 The BBC won’t tell you that 4 in 5 Covid-19 Deaths in past month were among the TripleDouble Vaccinated according to Official Data]] [[2021-11-27 Sharyl Attkisson on Media Bias]] [[2021-11-09 Historic Anti-Mandate Protests in Australia and Worldwide, ABC Silent]] [[2021-10-20 Their ABC no so trusted anymore - The Spectator Australia]] [[2021-10-10 Debunking the BBC debunk of ivermectin - Dr. John Campbell]] [[2021-08-13 COVID-19 and the Shadowy “Trusted News Initiative”]] Loss of Trust in official sources, see Dr John Campbell's [[2021-10-14 Mass loss of trust|October 2021 Mass loss of trust]] presentation. Amoungst other things, he notes; - The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have provided funding to the BBC - The Indian Bar Association is taking legal action against the WHO Chief Scientist --- ## journalism Thankfully, there are 'real' professionals who are doing legitimate investigative journalism. Of these, I have clipped some of their articles for offline viewing, including; [[Sonia Elijah]], [[Rebecca Weisser]], [[Alex Berenson]], [[Matt Taibbi]], [[Bari Weiss]], [[Glenn Greenwald]], [[Rebekah Barnett]], [[Josh Rogin]], [[Ramesh Thakur]] --- ## resources Totality of Evidence, an excellent collection of research links and interviews of credentialed experts, such as [Dr Robert Malone]( - [Credentialed Experts]( - [COVID-19 Vaccines]( If your employer has made a direction that you must be vaccinated to work, [this template letter]( may help extract important information. [Treatment (not preventive) Options if you have COVID-19 or Vaccine Injured]( [Look-up vaccine batch numbers]( [PANDA - Pandemic, Data and Analytics]( including; - Informed consent document for you and doctor or nurse to sign when they give you the inoculation --> [[PANDA_Informed-Consent.pdf]] [The Unity Project]( [Global Covid Summit]( [World Council for Health]( Australian [Covid Medical Network]( including; - [Vaccine Adverse Reaction Registry]( --- ## why?